Now you see them, now you…


I thought it was a joke at first.


As in no see them, or you don’t see them. A way of identifying tiny bugs that pester you.

The joke part, my reaction to hearing the name for the first time, actually moved in two stages.

At first, since I hadn’t been getting bothered by bugs at the time my friend first mentioned them, I thought it might mean something else. Like when you scrape your knee on some carpet or bash your hand against the side of a tree, don’t really notice anything in the moment but find it later. Shift the scenario a bit and you find no real bug bite, but you’ve walked too close to a branch and start to itch and blame the noseeums for the problem because you don’t remember hitting the tree.

But that wasn’t it.

Part two struck when I was out with the dogs in the twilight of a late winter afternoon. I saw them. The noseeums.

Bit of research took place. Name actually gets spelled about forty different ways, a result of it not being an official term but a regional nickname. Appears to originate as something along the same route of thought I initially traveled. You can’t see them that well, so you don’t notice as they’re biting you. Noseeums.

Could be cute (if they weren’t so annoying).

In reality, sandflies. Or biting midges. Even seen the concept applied to mosquitoes. Pesky, pain in the rump tiny bugs that swoop in and are often gone before you noticed they were there. The name changes, still, the flies arrive and the itching begins.

What else is out there hiding from sight and causing us frustrations? (Or headaches. Or rashes.) What are we missing, not noticing until it’s too late? What are the noseeums of our everyday world?

Many of us have people in our life that would qualify as noseeums. Folks that are causing us issues even though we may have no idea it’s happening. I’m actually coming around to the idea that many of these two-faced individuals that talk behind our backs should be called noseeums. You begin to wonder why the world is conspiring against you, and what sources are revealing your secrets, only to see it all too clearly once the reality is revealed. Works a bit too well, truth be told.

I suppose some mechanical issues could qualify in this area of consideration. The wear and tear on parts taking place all the time, with every use moving you steadily toward a necessary repair though all seems well at the current moment.

Those batteries in your television remote? The ones you’ll soon need to replace? As often as you flip them around or take them out and put them back in, all with the hopes of extending their use so you don’t have to get up and find some fresh batteries at this very moment, they will eventually need to be swapped out. Doesn’t matter that you don’t see how often you’re using it and wearing down the available energy.

All of which brings us back to a warm evening, bugs and an itchy arm. It’s all annoying. Maybe, literally as well as figuratively, we’d see things a bit clearer if we just paid more attention to the condition of our batteries.


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