We’ll leave the light on
(Because, damn, we left the light on)


Down and up the basement stairs, heavy boxes along for the ride, flipping switches with the back of my hand to turn on lights along the way. It’s a process.

There I am, halfway to three-quarters of the way back up the stairs when I notice it. A light is still on. And back down I go.

Not exactly a model of efficiency.

But it’s hardly the only time I do something and find out I’m an absent-minded fool. It’s not even the only time today.

Earlier I was working on some laundry and I got around to a load of towels. Tossed them in the machine, got it started, and went out to handle some other stuff. Roughly fifteen minutes later, I was washing my hands in the kitchen, reached for a dishtowel and realized I should have switched it out when I started the laundry. That, in turn, reminded me that the towels in the bathrooms could be changed as well.

Tomorrow is trash day. So, later on I’ll be packing things up and getting ready to bring stuff out to the end of the driveway. Hopefully, I’ll have that in mind when there’s time to empty some of the baskets around the house. Meaning, doing it now instead of it being bedtime, when I’m really just too tired to be thinking about walking around the house emptying them and just want to move the cans I’d forgotten about all day before calling it a night and turning in.

There are all sorts of things around the house that I forget (or simply don’t want to do). And then, of course, somehow it comes back to bite me. Heck, even right now, I just reminded myself a few seconds ago that I need to move some towels to the dryer.

A few days ago, I got a phone call. I normally have something playing in the house… television, music, something… even if just background noise. Phone rang, mute pressed, and a delightful conversation started. A friend of mine and I spent about an hour catching up, with the joys of a cell phone allowing for me to roam a bit from room to room and even outside while we did. Great to hear from him. Been way too long. We hung up, and I spent a few minutes bringing Terry up to speed on his activities. It was about three hours after that when I walked past the television set, still on but with the sound off.

Yes, I’m that aware of my surroundings at all times.

Another friend makes fun of me because of a confession I made involving alcohol. I had actually been driving home one day and made two stops. I was craving a Malibu and pineapple. Simple drink. Even if you count ice as an ingredient, there’s only three. And to paraphrase my thoughts on a different drink, if it doesn’t taste right the solution is always very simply to add more Malibu.

The two stops were at a liquor store for the Malibu and a grocery store for the pineapple juice. (Any of you that have ever set foot in a liquor store understands that I am not paying several times the going rate for pineapple juice for the sake of convenience, when the bonus for paying the extra money is a liquor store can that has probably been on that shelf for at least nine to eleven years.) When I got home, I grabbed a bottle of water. I was literally overwhelmed by the degree of difficulty and effort it would take to get some ice, never mind the idea of finding a can opener.

The solution, usually, is more focus than anything else. I tend to be the person that will begin one project, then stumble across three others, ultimately winding up several rooms away from where I had started. Paint the frame around the front door? Ok…

Let me go get the paint, a brush, and a few drop clothes. Oh look, there’s the wheelbarrow I needed to help clear out the garden. Since I’m here, let me move that now. Oh. The car. Wrong side of the driveway, I won’t get the lawn mower out later if I leave it there blocking the garage. Need to move it.

And so on… until I wind up not painting the door frame, a wheelbarrow in the middle of my driveway, a ladder against the side of the house where the gutters needed to be cleared, and me driving back from the grocery store where I forgot to pick up the pineapple juice that was the main reason I had gone out to begin with.

But the day is done, and most of those are now tomorrow’s problems. At least I remembered to turn off the lights and lock the front door. I think. Didn’t I? (Crap…)


If you have any comments or questions, please e-mail me at Bob@inmybackpack.com