Writing & Books



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All fourteen titles... in print... on Kindle...

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Bob has published fourteen books. The content included spans a wide range...





Each publication, including collections drawing from the In My Backpack web site, features the addition of new and exclusive material.

Every title is currently available, in both print and Kindle editions.

As always… THANK YOU. We appreciate the time and support offered to Bob's work. And we are grateful for your time and attention.

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If you're interested -- you can use the Where to buy link to learn more about how to find any of Bob's books. They are all available in both print and Kindle editions. Print materials may be found at several online book sellers. Kindle editions are best located using Amazon and the Kindle store.

CreateSpace and Amazon.com are the two primary locations for ordering the books. Amazon carries all of Bob's titles on their pages in several countries.

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If you have any comments or questions, please e-mail Penny@inmybackpack.com